FAQ. Ethereum staking pool

What happened?

ETH 2.0 was launched on the 1st of Dec and it is now possible to stake ETH and get an interest.

What's the interest rate?

The approximate annual interest rate is currently around 3%. It indicates the maximum reward amount that you can receive if blockchain conditions remain stable, with no changes to network fees, gas amounts, or the number of validators. Also it depends on the staked amount in the network.

What is the minimal amount of stake?

The minimal stake is 0.1 ETH.

Can I withdraw staked ETH?

According to the Ethereum staking rules, staked Ether and rewards are frozen in the network until the launch of phase 2 of Ethereum 2.0 (approx. in 2 years) thus currently it is impossible to withdraw ETH. 

However, to provide our users with a more flexible option we issued ERC-20 GETH tokens, Guarded Ether, which you will receive in a 1:1 ratio to ETH. You are already able to sell this token using DeFi exchanges like Uniswap, ChangeNOW, or using the Exchange tab in your Guarda Wallet while your Ether is locked.

How much is the service fee?

The service fee is 10% of on-chain rewards. 

How is the reward calculated?

The annual profit for ETH staking is currently about 3%, 0.3% of which is charged by our service to pay for servers and maintain sustainable infrastructure. You can calculate Ethereum staking rewards using the calculator above. Rewards generated by the validator pool are calculated for each staker proportionally to the amount of staked funds and the duration of their staking. Rewards are paid out to GETH holders (as ETH stakers) in GETH in an amount equal to the calculated rewards in ETH.

How is the reward distributed?

Starting January 2022, the GETH rewards will be distributed every 3 months, from 25th to 5th. Since deposited ETH and rewards are frozen by the network, we will distribute the GETH token which is in a 1:1 ratio to ETH.

Will I be able to swap GETH tokens?

Besides being able to exchange GETH tokens using DeFi exchanges, it will be possible to swap earned GETH tokens to ETH 2.0 at a 1:1 ratio when phase 2 of Ethereum is launched (approximately in 2 years). 

What are the benefits to stake ETH with Guarda?

1. The minimal deposit is as low as 0.1 ETH instead of 32 ETH;

2. Guarda covers all operational expenses related to running validators;

3. Guarda bears the risks of penalties in the network;

4. Tokenised staking – ETH deposit and rewards are available for you in GETH tokens.

Who made the security audit?

We use smart contracts written and audited by OpenZeppelin.

Still have questions? Email us at [email protected].

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